Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Grab your life jacket because for #4 we are going on a cruise ship!!!

I'm Cruising on a Cruise Ship!!!

Hey you. Yeah YOU over there in the far left I bet you love playing cards, eh? Of course you do. What about the sea? Of course you do who doesn't? Do you love to relax in a hot tub? Do you love play the slots while sun bathing? Well if you do then you need to book a cruise  RIGHT NOW! The cruise ships might possibly be the most relaxing way to gamble. Did you just gamble away your entire budget for today? Are you a bit stressed now? Well don't be! You can just go sit in a hot tub and let all your worries wash away with the pulsating jets. Don't forget about the parties the unforgettable parties on the top deck. You know the ones where everyone's doing the Macarena or in a Congo line. The unforgettable nights aboard the ship. It is definitely one of the most amazing ways to vacation. So if you love being on the water, relaxing, partying, and gambling then you need to to get on a cruise ship right away!!!

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