Wednesday, January 16, 2013

bonjour and welcome to #7 Frace!

These guys are the real deal. They want you to gamble up close and personal! No online mumbo-jumbo you gotta go to the casinos to do your gambling dirty work. This country is one of the main enemies of online gaming. This is one of the most amazing countries in the world. Mainly renowned for Paris the city of love. This is just an all around beautiful country. But don't just come down here for the gambling and casinos come down here for the amazing museums, art gallery's, and awesome coffee and bread! You need to check into one of the many famous hotels in France. Maybe visit Paris and see the famous Eiffel tower. Maybe check out the Louver museum and see the priceless Mona Lisa! Along with other beautiful pieces of art and history. Who knew you could learn so much just by visiting one place (other than a library, of course)! This country will just love to see you. The french culture is an amazing culture and what better place to go to learn about it than France? Try out the local cuisine, see some sights, meets some awesome people, and fall in love in the city of love. If you have a partner this would be the most amazing place to take them. How could you get any more romantic then by bringing them to France?


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